Javascript Documentation
In JavaScript, we have several data types that are used to store different kinds of information: Integer: Represents whole numbers w...
In JavaScript, a function is a block of code that performs a specific task. Functions help to modularize code, making it more readable and reusab...
Before we go over objects, which are the most common datatype when sending and receiving information between applications (back-end to front-end,...
Now we'll dive into a bit more advanced data structures, objects! An object is like an array, except it uses curly brackets { } instead of square...
This code begins with module imports, which is a fancy way of saying— "someone wrote some code that does something, and I want to use that someth...
Getting Started with Algorand
To set up your own node, visit this GitHub repository for a previous tutorial series: Algorand Node Installation Scroll down to the secti...
Payment Transactions
const algosdk = require('algosdk'); // TWO WAYS TO IMPORT AN ACCOUNT // METHOD 1 // CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT const account = algosdk.generateAc...